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MLB Owners May Be Showing True Colors During Pandemic

Updated: Apr 14, 2023

The pandemic has brought out the true colors of people and organizations, and Major League Baseball is no exception. With the Boston Red Sox and Arizona Diamondbacks announcing staff cuts and furloughs, it's hard to understand why owners can't absorb a few months of payroll for their frontline employees. After all, many professional sports franchises are owned by some of the wealthiest people on the planet, and their franchises increase in value almost automatically every year, sometimes by tenfold.

Unfortunately, it's the lowest-paid and hardest-working employees, such as those who work in game operations and ticketing, who are bearing the brunt of these cuts. These are the very employees who are most dedicated to their teams and who will be needed the most when the crisis is over.

It's frustrating to see owners turning their backs on these employees, especially during a time when they will need fans to remain loyal through the tough times. Even as fans face financial hardship, the owners should show some loyalty back to their employees. Hats off to the owners who have not cut staff, and shame on those who have.

As a fan, it's disheartening to see how some owners are treating their employees. We hope that more owners will step up and show their employees the loyalty they deserve during these trying times.

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